Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Adenium Speci No. 3 Adenium Cabang Seribu (Cabser)

Sometimes when you find the wordcabser”, it is an abbreviation of Cabang-Seribu , it means adenium 1000 branches. Cabser is one of ultra-favorite plants in Indonesia. Cultivated in many nurseries including Jakarta, Bali, Aceh and more.
Adenium cabser is excellent in pots especially for people who "kill everything" because cabser lives with little care and can take a good idea for you that loves bonsai.
Cabser comes from high selection of adenium hybridization. This most special character is the power of branching. Within 3 months of age, before flowering period. This variety give more branching, busiest than any other varieties. Flowers come in various colors, mostly pink to white, single and rosy petals

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